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Our Vision

"Pray the Lord of the Harvest" 

Matthew 9:37 

Many year ago, I had a "vision" from the Lord of men coming together to pray. Tens of thousands of men! I saw a line of men, coming down the M1 motorway toward London, walking and praying, with the M1 closed off because of the sheer number of men! 

I also saw a gathering of men, again in their tens of thousands just praying together! The venue where they were praying had no VIP seating. There was no "big named" speakers or "big named" worship leaders. The clergy came together without regard for title or position. Men, simply crying out to God for His Spirit and Power to fall. To see men changed. To see men rise up! 

The Lord then had me "park up" that vision! It was not yet the "appointed time" (see Habakkuk 2:3). 

Then in 2018, I heard the Lord say "get ready" to start "Men of Prayer" and I began to pray for this vision, waiting for the Lord to say now! Whilst I was seeking the Lord, the Holy Sprit dropped Matthew 9:36-38 as the foundational scripture for this vision. The Holy Spirit showed me that we FIRST must pray and seek Him and His direction to reach the harvest of souls and to see men saved and transformed into Kingdom men. We must FIRST pray and seek Him for His guidance and direction BEFORE we just go and that this MUST be a "Kingdom" movement. The WHOLE CHURCH, TOGETHER IN UNITY (see Psalm 133)


Then I had a significant sign from the Lord. At a mens prayer breakfast I had been invited too, I was speaking to one of the men present, sharing the vision for Men of Prayer. He asked me when this would start and it was as if the Holy Spirit took over my mouth and I said "we will have London covered in prayer by men by 2020!!!"

The Lord then began to show me how we would achieve this. Using London as the template, London would be divided by borough. 32 in total. Each borough would have men in their churches praying continually. They would pray for the issues of men in their borough and then pray for issues of men London wide.

Once per month, men would gather together for borough wide prayer. If a borough has a large geographical base, the borough would be sub-divided, with specific prayer for each sub-division as well as borough wide and London wide prayer issues. 

There would be regional gatherings where groups of boroughs would come together, every 3rd or 4th month.Then once a year, all the 32 boroughs would come together for a day of prayer.


This "template" would be replicated throughout the nation and beyond! 


Then our annual gathering. What the Lord showed me was 8 hours of non stop prayer, with, as I mentioned earlier, no "big names" headlining the day (this was confirmed by a close colleague of mine during a time of prayer recently). In the very beginning, I "saw" Wembley Stadium as a venue for the annual gathering. However, what I have since seen is that we would have at least 100,000 men gathering for prayer in Hyde Park!!

Beyond London, we WILL see the UK, Europe and the World covered in prayer by Men! And already we have Men regionally and internationally who have joined us! 


This is not a Faith Tabernacle "vision!" This is not a denominational or organisational or network of churches "thing!" 
This is Kingdom Men from ALL churches, denominations, organisations, networks etc coming together to petition the "Lord of the Harvest" to mobilise men and the church to go into the harvest and to see souls saved and disciples made. 

So. what about the women in our churches? The Lord showed me "Hannah's Army" (Click HERE to go to that page)

Click 'HERE" to join Men of Prayer

The Lord bless you as we join together in prayer. 

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